Sometimes issues arise that aren't immediately resolvable with communication between players or organizers. These situations may require an escalation to an Event Organizer, Judge, or directly to Wizards of the Coast. While we do encourage you to attempt to work out your disputes directly, there may be times when this is difficult. If you feel an issue is impacting the Magic community, you should take steps to report it.
Suspicious activity can include anything from illegal event reporting to a store owner selling product too early. It's important that when you see activity like this going on, you use the correct channels to inform the appropriate people.
First, report the suspicious activity to your event organizer. If you are uncomfortable doing this, or you believe your event organizer is involved somehow, try seeking out a local judge in your area here, and filling out the form.
Judges can help you evaluate whether your concern is something that requires action by the Wizards of the Coast Fraud Team. The Judge will then make sure your concern follows the correct escalation path to the appropriate teams at Wizards of the Coast. Remember that Judges are not able to take direct action on most reports, but they are able to make sure your report goes to the right place to trigger an investigation.
If you're unable to contact a judge, you can also report directly by filling out our form. If you are reporting early product sales, please include photos, receipts, or any other evidence you feel would be helpful.