Wizards of the Coast does not currently provide unattended Convention Support.
Special Guest Requests
Wizards of the Coast will make every effort to accommodate special guest requests for convention/event organizers. Please remember that most guests are full-time employees and may have work-related reasons that preclude them from participating. We will respond to special guest requests within 10 - 12 business days.
To request a special guest, please provide the following information to us in an email at least six weeks prior to the requested appearance date. To email us, follow in the instructions on the Contact Us page.
The email must contain an acknowledgment that, by requesting a special guest, you agree to the following:
- Convention/Event Organizer agrees to pay for travel for the guest to and from the event
- Convention/Event Organizer agrees to pay for accommodations for the guest while at the event
- Convention/Event Organizer agrees to pay a per diem of $20 for each day the guest is at the event plus two days of travel
Convention/Event Name:
Dates of the event:
Requested guest appearance date(s):
Contact Name:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Which Wizards of the Coast department would you like represented at your convention? These include:
- MTG Brand
- D&D Brand
- Art Director
- D&D R&D
- Publishing
- Sales/Wizards Play Network
- eSports and Competitive Gaming
If you have a specific guest in mind, please list their name.
Describe any speaking engagements, seminars, special tournaments, panels, etc. that you are planning on having the guest participate in.